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A fundamental part of any farm are the animals. At Prairie Star Care Farm the animals are co-partners in the work of healing. We believe all animals - from the smallest insect to the largest draft horse - are sentient beings who communicate their feelings not with words, but with their senses. We make every effort to keep our animals welfare in the highest regard with safe spaces, comfort and room to explore. 


Please be mindful of the animals when you are visiting staying outside their fences and not feeding.





We have three horses at Prairie Star Care Farm. Each one is unique with their own personality and ways of exploring the world.  Each horse is a different breed: from the smallest (Fell) to medium (Morgan) all the way to the tallest (American Saddlebred).


Obsidian (Sid)


Bucket McStuffins


All of our sheep are Nordic breeds meaning they come from places that are very cold in the winter making our sheep great for Minnesota weather. They all have extra long fibers used to make into wonderful pieces of clothing and/or arts/crafts.



Thelonius Monk




Our goats range in a variety of breeds - from  Pygora (a cross between an Angora and Pygmy goat) to Nigerian, Myotonic and San Clemente. Only Ezra (Pygora) is a "fiber goat" because we shear him like a sheep and use his fleece for knitting and felting. 


Roo-Roo the Rooster + hens

The chickens are fun to watch. Our rooster, Roo-Roo, is a black and white 'Barred Rock' who's job it is to be like the shepherd or head of the flock. He keeps a look out for predators and provides guidance to all of the hens - alerting them when he's found food, maintains the social hierarchy, tells the hens when and where to move around, and ensures their safety.

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